学术报告:CPS in Manufacturing: Challenges and Opportunities
Title:CPS in Manufacturing: Challenges and Opportunities
Abstract:This talk focuses on the latest advancement of cyber-physical systems in manufacturing and new approaches for cyber-based hardware-in-the-loop real-time applications in cloud manufacturing, including web-based monitoring and remote control of CNC machines and robots, active collision avoidance for local and remote human-robot collaborations, distant machining and remote assembly via the Internet. It also forms an integrated cyber-physical system for the future cloud manufacturing. In terms of enabling technologies, they are the unique combination of virtual 3D models driven by real sensors, depth images augmented in the 3D models, and image-to-model based representation of dynamic environment to guide cyber users. The objective of the outlined research is to significantly reduce network traffic over the Internet and to increase the human safety in a human-robot coexisting environment. This talk will include case studies, the results of which show that the integrated cyber-physical system consumes less than 1% of network bandwidth of traditional camera-based systems with a 30-50 msec latency of real-time operations. They are feasible and practical as cybernetic manufacturing solutions.
Lihui Wang is a Chair Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. His research interests are focused on cyber-physical systems, cloud manufacturing, predictive maintenance, real-time monitoring and control, human-robot collaboration, and sustainable manufacturing systems. Professor Wang is actively engaged in various professional activities. He is the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Manufacturing Research, the Editor-in-Chief of Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Manufacturing Systems, and the Associate Editor of International Journal of Production Research. He has published 9 books and authored in excess of 480 scientific publications. Professor Wang is a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering, CIRP, SME and ASME, a registered Professional Engineer in Canada, the President-Elect of North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, and the Chairman of Swedish Production Academy.