学术报告:High-Speed Integrated Communication Photonic Devices

报告题目High-Speed Integrated Communication Photonic Devices
报告人:马平 博士

报告简介:Mobile internet, enterprise augmented reality, cloud services and IoT drive optical network adoption as the mega data centers are poised for significant growth to support the market. The relentless growth of data traffic raises the need for ultra-high-speed network transmission towards operations at 100 Gb/s transmission bit rate and beyond. A major effort is underway to build high-speed, compact, and energy efficient photonic devices and communication system by way of a chip-scale device integration technology. To this end, it is crucial to introduce and effectively combine advanced functional materials and innovative integrated photonic structures. The talk will present the recent efforts on the development of high-performance communication photonic devices integrating various optical materials, including ferroelectrics, germanium, low dimensional materials of graphene and transition metal dichalcogenide, organic polymer and III-V compound semiconductors, to realize high-speed electro-optic signal modulation, photodetection, and all-optical switching.

Short Bio:

Dr. Ping Ma is currently a senior researcher and lecturer at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH), Switzerland. He received the B.E. degree from Tianjin University, China, the M.Sc. degree from the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, and the Dr.Sc. degree from ETH Zurich in 2011. He had a research stay at Oracle Labs, Oracle Corp., CA, USA, where he performed research on spectral tuning of ring resonators and novel electro-optic modulators for silicon photonic interconnects. His current research efforts at ETH Zurich focus on the development of advanced functional materials and enabled innovative optoelectronic devices for high-speed optical communication applications, which is carried out in collaboration with both academic and industrial partners. He has authored 37 journal and conference proceedings papers and held 2 granted and 3 filed patents.


