Prof. Lianhua Jin学术报告会 - 3月30日

报告时间:3月30日  14:00

报告地点:遗传学楼 206室


Introduction of the Speaker:
Lianhua JIN (金 蓮花)
1994 (B. S) Tianjin University (天津大学・中国)
1997 (M. S) Tianjin University 
2001 (Ph.D of Engineering) Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
2002-2004, Postdoctoral, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2004-2007, Assistant professor, Seikei University, Japan
2008-Current, Associate professor, University of Yamanashi, Japan


Ellipsometry is a standard metrology tool for measurement of thin films and characterizing surfaces in the field of semiconductor. As extension of single point ellipsometry, imaging ellipsometry is implemented by replacing the detector with an imaging system and a detection array. We will simply introduce problems and challenges of imaging ellipsometry, and also introduce following works related with problem-solving.
(1) Optics Design: To realize high spatial resolution imaging ellipsometric measurement with large field of view, we developed a rotatable Offner system with unit magnification. When the conventional Offner imaging system is tilted relative to the sample plane for the ellipsometric measurement, only a small region of plane is in focus. The rotatable Offner system renders the entire object in focus through all rotation. 
(2) Measurement approach: We developed a photometric measurement principle of imaging ellipsometry which affords possibility of full quantitative measurement. The full quantitative measurement is still a challenging thema for imaging ellipsometry.​