苏榕博士学术报告会 - 10月20日

报告时间:10月20日  13:30




Seminar title:Optical Metrology in Advanced Manufacturing

Dr Rong Su is a research fellow of the Manufacturing Metrology Team at the University of Nottingham. Dr Su’s specialty is optical and X-ray metrology for precision and additive manufacturing, including surface metrology, micro and nano metrology, interferometry, tomographic imaging, optical modelling, light scattering and diffraction theory, calibration and uncertainty analysis, precision instrumentation, and metrology standards. He obtained a BSc in optical information science and technology from Sun Yat-sen University (China) in 2007, an MSc in Photonics from KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) in 2010, and a PhD in Industrial Metrology and Optics from KTH in 2014. He has worked at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in the UK before joining Nottingham. Rong is an elected member of the Institute of Physics (MInstP), and members of the European Society of Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (euspen), the American Society of Precision Engineering (ASPE) and the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE). He is also a Research Affiliate of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP). He published more than 20 original research articles in recognised peer reviewed journals and international conferences as the first or corresponding author and a book chapter as co-author. He is a reviewer of several journals including Applied Optics, Optics Express, Optics Letters, Optics Communications, etc.
Advanced manufacturing technologies, such as precision, additive, composites and roll-to-roll manufacturing, are essential for industries, e.g. aerospace, automotive, semiconductor, optics, biomedicine, etc. These techniques enable productions of industrial components and products with more complex geometries, various surface topographies, and combination of different materials and micro or nano structures. Metrology techniques, particularly those that are based on modern optics and photonics technologies, become highly important for the development of new manufacturing techniques and the quality control of products. As Lord Kelvin said “If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it”. The limit of measurement accuracy defines the limit of the tolerance of the manufacturing.
In this seminar, Dr Rong Su will present the latest research challenges, directions and progress on optical metrology in the field of advanced manufacturing. The contents of the presentation are based on the results of the research projects carried out by the Manufacturing Metrology Team at the University of Nottingham (all projects presented here were/are managed by Dr Su). Examples of the developments of the optical metrology methods and techniques are given for different scenarios, such as precision, additive and high-parallel manufacturing. Both the physical principles and engineering applications of these techniques will be presented.