Ladislau Matekovits教授学术报告会-5月10日



Seminar on:Design and advanced applications of planar and conformal, periodic width-modulated microstrip line configurations



The talk will focus on the use of printed periodic structures in the field of advanced electromagnetic applications as leaky wave antennas and synthesis of mantle cloak. Such structures are characterized by the mean of the dispersion diagram (DD), i.e. the representation of the actual wave number versus frequency, and represent the solution of the homogeneous problem formulated in terms of Maxwell's equations. Usually, such diagrams are obtained numerically as the eigenmodes for the unit cell with appropriate boundary conditions. If a media parameter (e.g. the effective dielectric constant) varies in sinusoidal way inside the unit cell, the DD has a closed form solution for both transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) propagations in terms of Mathieu’s or Hill's functions. From such a diagram, one can extract information on wave propagation, like phase and group velocity, effective media parameters, band-gaps, etc.

In the antenna community, leaky wave antennas and wide band cloaking represent fields where characteristics of such configurations can be efficiently exploited from engineering point of view. Experimental validation of the theoretical aspects will be presented for such applications. Some recent findings on the synthesis of non-scattering devices for cloaking applications using composite structures, forming 2D metasurfaces (mantle of invisibility), able to engineer field propagation and radiation will be discussed. The use a novel formulation for invisibility cloaks and their implementation with a conformal metasurface realized with the proposed technique will be shown and described.



Short Bio:

Ladislau Matekovits received the degree in electronic engineering from Institutul Politehnic din Bucuresti, Bucuresti, Romania and Ph.D. (Dottorato di Ricerca) degree in electronic engineering form Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy in 1992 and 1995 respectively. Since 1995 he is with the same Electronics Department of the Politecnico di Torino, where he was appointed as Assistant Professor in 2002 and Associate Professor in 2014, respectively. In late 2005 Ladislau Matekovits has been Visiting Scientist at the Antennas and Scattering Department of the FGAN-FHR (now Fraunhofer Institute), Wachtberg, Germany. From July 2009 to June 2011 A/Prof. Matekovits has been a Marie Curie Fellow (prestigious grant is funded by the European Commission) at the Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, Australia where now he holds a Honorary Fellow position. In 2014 he has spent 3 month as vising researcher in Tsinghua University, Beijing.
His main research activities concern numerical analysis of printed antennas and in particular development of new, numerically efficient full-wave techniques to analyze large arrays, of hierarchical additive basis functions for the finite element treatment of corner singularities, metamaterials and characterization of materials for biological applications, optimization techniques and inverse problems. He has been a recipient of various scientific awards, and has held different seminars in Europe, Australia, AFRL and MIT Lincoln Lab. USA on the aforementioned topics. He has co-authored more than a 250 publications and has submitted three patent applications from which 2 has been granted.
A/Prof. Matekovits is member of several conference technical program committees and serves as reviewer for various journals in the field of electromagnetics.