



时间: 2015年12月4日上午9:30


地点: 物理楼216会议室


Curriculum Vitae:

张凤玲是瑞典Linköping University(音译,林雪平大学)物理系教授。 是林雪平大学汤森路透2014年排名的两名高被引科学家之一(http://highlycited.com/)。

张凤玲1998年博士毕业于中科院长春物理所, 师从中国科学院院士徐叙瑢先生。博士毕业后。她去日本大阪大学化学系做了15个月的访问学者,于2000年3月加入林雪平大学的物理,化学和生物学系。自2001年以来,她发表了118篇期刊论文,总引用超过7000次。



Fengling Zhang, Professor at Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Linköping University (LiU), Sweden


Personal web page


1. Higher educations

PhD, 1998, Solid State Physics, Changchun Institute of Physics, CAS, “Enhancing the luminescence intensity and efficiency of OLEDs made of polymers and organic molecules”, Prof. Xurong Xu

M.Sc. 1985, Solid State Physics, Changchun Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

B.Sc. 1982, Applied Physics, Northeast Petroleum University, China.  

2. Postdoctoral positions

1)   1998-2000, Department of Applied Chemistry, Osaka University, Japan.

2)   2000-2002, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), Linköping University, Sweden.

3. Previous positions

· Lecturer at Northern (Beijing) Jiaotong University, 1987-1994

· Teaching assistant at Northern (Beijing) Jiaotong University, 1985-1987

4. National & International scientific collaborations:

Chalmers University of Technology

Karlstad University,

Lund University,

Royal Institute of Technology

Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

 Stanford University (USA)

Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Germany

Institute of Chemistry, CAS, China

Beijing Normal University, China

Jilin University, China

Tianjin University of Technology, China

Zhejiang University, China


World's Most Influential Scientific Minds by Thomson Reuters in 2014 in the field of Materials Science.

Since 2001, Zhang has published 118 peer-reviewed articles with a total citation more than 7000 times and h-index of 44, which has distinguished her as one of the World's Most Influential Scientific Minds by Thomson Reuters in 2014. Her publications and citations made a big contribution in augmenting LiU’s ranking in ARWU2014 (http://www.liu.se/liu-nytt/arkiv/nyhetsarkiv/1.579883?l=en).

Her research is focused on organic solar cells and electrochromic smart windows. Organic solar cells developed in last two decades can provide affordable clean electricity because they are solution processing, flexible, light-weight and semi-transparent devices. Polymer electrochromic smart windows have potential applications in buildings and vehicles to save electricity for space cooling by modulating incident light intensity. Combining above two, a solar-powered polymer electrochromic window was first demonstrated last year, which will simplify installation and is applicable for both new and existing buildings. Currently, her group is working on organic solar cells, stable large solar-powered organic electrochromic windows and detecting bioluminescence with organic photodetectors. One provisional patent was filed.