Silicon photonics for optical interconnects and biosensing
Prof. Andrew Wing On Poon
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Silicon photonics has been flourishing over the past few years and has attracted a tremendous amount of attention from academia and industry worldwide. Despite all the hypes, silicon photonics is now maturing into a technology platform that is manufacturable using foundry services, essentially following the same model as manufacturing silicon IC chips. In this talk we will look at silicon photonics from the perspective of the speaker and his research group. We will briefly review our recent and on going works in applying silicon photonics for optical interconnects in datacenters and high-performance computing and for biosensing. Specifically, we will discuss topics including hybrid silicon microspiral disk lasers, silicon defect-states-assisted sub-bandgap photodetectors, adaptively tuned silicon microring resonators, silicon coupled-resonator optical waveguide (CROW) biosensors and (bio) particle manipulation on silicon nitride microrings. Unifying these diversified works of silicon photonics are optical microresonator technologies, and the dedication of many past and present students of the speaker.
Andrew Wing On Poon received his Ph.D. and M. Phil. degrees in physics from Yale University, New Haven, in 2001 and 1998, respectively. He received his B.A. degree (with honors) in physics from The University of Chicago, Illinois, in 1995. In 2001 he joined the department of electronic and computer engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), as an assistant professor. He is now a professor. He has authored or co-authored more than 140 papers in journals and international conferences, co-authored three book chapters, co-edited one book, and awarded one patent. He has served as the chair of The IEEE Photonics Society Hong Kong Chapter (2008-2009). During his 2nd term tenure, the Hong Kong Chapter was awarded the Society “Chapter of the Year” Award 2009. He has served on various technical program committees of international conferences. He is currently an Associate Editor of IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. His research interests include silicon photonics and optical microresonators for optical interconnects, optical manipulation and biosensing.
时间:2014年7月1日 (星期二) 2:00pm