Prof. Wada from Kobe Uniuversity, Japan will give a talk on "Semiconductor Nanostructure-Based Photonic Devices for Ultrafast, Power-Efficient Systems.". He will also give introduction on JSPS program in Japan. Attached are the abstract of his talk and other related documents.
The talk will be given on Thursday (Nov. 7th), 2PM, in Room 525, Optics Building.
You are welcome to attend.
Semiconductor Nanostructure-Based Photonic Devices for Ultrafast, Power-Efficient Systems
Osamu Wada
JSPS Beijing Office, Beijing, and Kobe University, Japan
In order to support the ever increasing bandwidth demand in communication networks and signal processing systems, ultrafast, high-performance photonic devices are prerequisite. On the other hand, power consumption of signal switching/routing systems is considered to become a serious bottleneck in scaling up the bandwidth. The development of high-performance, power-efficient photonic devices are therefore crucial in tackling this problem.
This talk first reviews key issues of photonic devices for future systems and then discusses recent developments using semiconductor nanostructures with a particular focus on ultrafast switching devices based on quantum dot (QD) materials. They include QD-based semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) exhibiting polarization-insensitive operation at >40 Gb/s and novel QD-based vertical cavity structure photonic switches showing ultrafast, power-efficient all-optical switching capability. Nanostructure-based photonic devices are summarized and discussed for future applications.
Research Collaboration and Research Stay in Japan Using JSPS Programs
Osamu Wada
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Beijing Office
Abstract of presentation:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) is a core agency to support basic researches in a full range of academic areas. It covers the following activities for inland researchers and universities:
(1) Support for research initiatives (Grant-in-aid “KAKENHI”, Leading-Edge Program, etc.)
(2) Nurturing next generation researchers (Fellowships for stay in abroad)
(3) International collaborations and fellowships (Joint research/seminar, fellowships)
(4) Support for enhancing quality of university research/education (Global COE Program, etc.)
This presentation covers the following topics to illustrate advantages of JSPS programs with a special focus on international collaborations and fellowships:
1. All about JSPS programs and JSPS Beijing Office
2. International collaboration and fellowship programs
■International joint research projects and seminars
- Bilateral collaborations for joint researches and seminars
- A3 foresight programs (Japan-China-Korea)
■Support for building-up research/education hubs
- Core-to-core program and Asian CORE program
■Invitation programs for researchers at various career stages (details in attached sheet)
- Postdoctoral fellowships for young researchers
- Invitation fellowships for career researchers
3. How to apply JSPS programs
- Advantages of working in Japan
- Tips for preparing JSPS fellowship application forms
Osamu Wada received the BE degree in 1969 at Himeji Institute of Technology and ME degree in 1971 at Kobe University, both in Japan and the Ph.D. degree in 1980 at the University of Sheffield, UK. He was with Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Atsugi, Japan in 1971-1996, being engaged in research on III-V semiconductor materials and devices such as LEDs, lasers, photodiodes, and optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEICs) for telecom and interconnect systems. In 1996-2001, he worked for the development of femtosecond ultrafast all-optical switches at FESTA Labs., Tsukuba, Japan for a NEDO/METI project. During 2001-2010, he was a Professor at Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan and headed a group on nanostructure materials and ultrafast photonic devices. He is a Fellow of IEEE, OSA, IEICE, and JSAP. He is currently Director of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Beijing Office.