2005.09-2009.06 英国Huddersfield大学精密技术中心 博士
2001.09 -2005.07 中国科学技术大学精密机械与精密仪器系 本科
2018.04至今 上海超精密光学制造工程技术研究中心 副主任
2011.12至今 复旦大学光科系与工程系 副研究员
2009.06-2011.09 英国哈德斯菲尔德大学 研究学者
2008.12-2009.06 英国哈德斯菲尔德大学 研究助理
(1) 精密光学测量技术 (Precision optical measurement)
(2) 智能在位检测技术 (Intelligent in-situ measurement)
(3) 智能光学制造技术 (Intelligent optical manufacturing technology)
16. 中山复旦联合创新中心项目:光学偏折测量仪 100万元,负责人
15. 中国科学院技术物理所技术开发项目:光学镜面研磨/抛光在位偏折测量技术开发 40万元,负责人
14. SAST基金(2019-086): 半球谐振子高精度全区域测量技术研究 20万元 负责人
13. 复旦-长光所联合基金(FC2018-007):光子集成干涉成像的高分辨重构技术研究 80万元 负责人
12. 国家自然科学基金(51875107): 光学自由曲面的高精度原位偏折测量技术研究 70.2万元, 负责人
11. 重点研发计划(2017YFB1104700):复杂微细结构的激光加工与测量技术及装备 1798万元, 子课题负责人
10. 科学挑战计划(JCKY2016212A506):弱刚性曲面构件形位误差与表面缺陷的高精度测量 573.5万元 子课题负责人
9. 十三五共性技术预研项目: xxx应用技术研究 410万元 课题负责人
8. 欧盟Horizon 2020 EMPIR项目(15SIB01 FreeFORM): Reference algorithms and metrology on aspherical and freeform lens 38万欧元,中方负责人
7. 上海自然科学基金项目(12ZR1441100): 结构光学元件表面形貌评定研究 10万元, 负责人
6. 国家自然科学基金项目(51205064):超精密光学自由曲面面形误差评定算法的研究 25万元 负责人
5. 教育部博士点基金项目(20120071120018):基于法向度量的光学表面形貌评定研究 4万元, 负责人
4. 中物院超精密加工技术重点实验室开放基金(KF14004):复杂微小光学结构的质量评定方法研究 30万元 ,负责人
3. 航天支撑技术基金:XXX ,6万元 ,负责人
2. 国家科技重大专项(2011ZX02402):复杂结构光学零部件抛光与关键加工技术的特种装备, 2700万元 ,子课题负责人
1. 863子课题(2012AA040406):光学微纳结构阵列图像传感器模组制造关键技术 ,110万元 ,骨干人员
R Zhu, X Zhang*, S Li, Y Chen, W Lang, L Ye. Areal measurement of vibration modes of hemispherical shell resonator by deflectometry. Applied Optics 2022;61(16):4919-4926
Z Niu, Z Wu, S Wan, X Zhang*, C Wei*, J Shao. Iterative space-variant sphere-model deflectometry enabling designation-model-free measurement of the freeform surface. Optics Express 2022;30(9):14019-14032
F Wang, X Zhang*, R Xiong, X Ma, and X Jiang. Angular multiplexation of partial helical phase modes in orbital angular momentum holography. Optics Express 2022;30(7):11110-11119
T Chen, Y Chen, X Zhang, W Wang*, M Xu. Workpiece positioning and error decoupling in the single-point diamond turning of freeform mirrors based on the monoscopic deflectometry. Precision Engineering 2022;77: 16–23
X Zhao, Y Chen, Z Guo, Y Zhou, J GuoZ Liu, X Zhang, L Xiao, Y Fei, X Wu. Tunable optofluidic microbubble lens. Optics Express 2022;30(5):8317-8329
F Wang, X Zhang*, H Yuan, R Xiong and X Jiang. Enhancing the information capacity with modulated orbital angular momentum holography. IEEE Photonics Journal 2022; 14(1):5212905
C Wang, Y Yu, X Zhang, R D'Amat and E Gomez. Effects of mathematical models and algorithms on quantitative characterization of areal step height with optical and stylus profilometers. Precision Engineering 2021;72:777-788
H Yuan, X Zhang*, F Wang, R Xiong, W Wang, S Li and M Xu. Accurate reconstruction for the measurement of tilt surfaces with digital holography. Optics Communications 2021; 496:127135
X Zhang*, Z Niu, J Ye and M Xu. Correction of aberration-induced phase errors in phase measuring deflectometry. Optics Lettters 2021; 46(9):2047-2050
Z Niu, X Zhang*, J Ye, L Ye, R Zhu and X Jiang. Adaptive phase correction for phase measuring deflectometry. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 2021; 70:7003610
Q Lu, S Liu, X Zhang, T Cu, J Pan, M Xu and J Shao. High-accuracy and high-repeatability measurement of the cut error of a nonlinear uniaxial crystal. Applied Optics 2021;60(1):41-46
J Ye, Z Niu, X Zhang*, W Wang and M Xu. Simultaneous measurement of double surfaces for transparent lenses with phase measuring deflectometry. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 2021;137:106356
张祥朝,徐敏. 面向精密制造的光学自由曲面在位偏折测量技术. 光电工程 2020;47(7):190581
C. Ding, X. Zhang*, X. Liu et al. Structure design and image reconstruction of hexagonal-array photonics integrated interference Image System. IEEE Access 2020;25625
L Ye, W Wang*, X Zhang et al. Testing of large-aperture aspheric mirrors using a single coated lens. Applied Optics 2020;59(15):4577-4582
Z Niu, X Zhang*, J Ye et al. Flexible one-shot geometrical calibration for off-axis deflectometry. Applied Optics 2020;59(13):3819-3824
J Ye, Z Niu, X Zhang, W Wang* and M Xu. In-situ deflectometric measurement of transparent optics in precision robotic polishing. Precision Engineering 2020;64:63-69
X Zhang*, X Xu, Z Niu, R Zhu and M Xu. Fast deflectometric measurement of freeform surfaces for ultra-precision optical manufacturing. Proceedings of SPIE 2020;11439:114390H
X Zhang*, Z Niu, J Ye, S Li, W Zhao. Aberration-induced errors in deflectometric measurement. Proceedings of SPIE 2020;114487:114870K
Y Cheng, X Zhang*, H Yuan, W Wang and M Xu. Precision enhancement of three-dimentional displacement tracing for nona-fabrication based on low coherence interferometry. Optics Express 2019; 27(20):28324-28336
X Xu, X Zhang*, Z Niu, W Wang and M Xu. Extra-detection-free monoscopic deflectometry for the in situ measurement of freeform specular surfaces. Optics Letter 2019;44(17):4271-4274.
Z Niu, X Xu, X Zhang*, W Wang, Y Zhu, J Ye, M Xu and X Jiang. Efficient phase retrieval of two-directional phase-shifting fringe patterns using geometrical constraints of deflectometry. Optics Express 2019; 27(6):8195-8207.
S Wan, X Zhang*, H Zhang, M Xu, W Wang and X Jiang. Edge control in precision robotic polishing based on space-variant deconvolution. Precision Engineering 2019;55:110-118.
X Xu, X Zhang*, Z Niu, W Wang, Y Zhu and M Xu. Self-calibration of in-situ monoscopic deflectometric measurement in precision optical manufacturing. Optics Express 2019; 27(4):7523-7536
S Wan, X Zhang*, W Wang and M Xu. Effect of pad wear on tool influence function in robotic polishing of large mirrors. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2019;102(5-8):2521-253
C Ding, X Zhang*, X Liu et al. High-resolution reconstruction method of segmented planar imaging detector based on compressed sensing. Proceedings of SPIE 2019;11186:1118605
Z Niu, X Zhang*, X Xu et al. Compensation of nonlinear errors of phase-shifted fringes in phase measuring deflectometry. Proceedsings of SPIE 2019;11343:1134303
Y Arezki, F Lpretre P Ssota, R Su, V Heikkinen, X Zhang, N Cai et al. Material standards design for minimum zone fitting of freeform optics. EUSPEAN's 19th International Conference and Exibition, Bilbao, Spain, 2019
X Zhang*, X Xu, Z Niu, S Li and S Peng. Precise positioning in the in-situ deflectometric measurement of optical surfaces. Proceedings of SPIE 2019;11102:111020S
X Zhang*, X Xu, Z Niu et al. In-situ measurement of aspherics iwth sub-aperture deflectometry for precision optical manufacturing. Proceddings of SPIE 2019;10991:1099105
S Wan, X Zhang*, M Xu, S Peng and J Zhou. Ultra-precision robotic sub-aperture polishing of curved mirrors. Proceedings of SPIE 2019;10842:1084214.
X Zhang, X Zhang, M Xu et al. Phase unwrapping in digital holography based on non-subsampled contourlet transform. Optics Communications, 2018;407:367-374
S Wan, X Zhang*, M Xu, W Wang and X Jiang. Region-adaptive path planning for precision optical polishing with industrial robots. Optics Express 2018;26(18):23782-23795
X Zhang*, X Zhang, M Xu and X Jiang. Accurate measurement of complex micro-structures by digital holographic microscopy. 6th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing, London, UK, 2018
S Wan, X Zhang*, M Xu and X Jiang. Modelling and analysis of sub-aperture tool influence functions for polishing complex curved surfaces. Precision Engineering 2018;51:415-425
X Zhang, X Zhang, H Zhang, M Xu and X Jiang. Accurate reconstruction in digital holography using dual-tree complex wavelet transform. Proc SPIE 2018;10697: 106974A
X Zhang, X Zhang, M Xu et al. Accurate reconstruction in digital holography microscopic measurement of micro-structures using anti-aliasing shift invariant contourlet transform. Optical Engineering 2018;57(3):034108
X Zhang, J Wang, X Zhang*, M Xu and X Jiang. Correction of phase-shifting error in wavelength scanning digital holographic microscopy. Measurement Science and Technology 2018;29:055002
Y Areski, X Zhang, C Mehdi-Souzani, N Anwer and H Nouira. Investigation of minimum zone assessment methods for aspheric shapes. Precision Engineering 2018;52:3000-307
H Yang, X Zhang, H Zhang, X He et al. Feature preserving filtering for micro-structured surfaces using combined sparse regularzers. Measurement 2017;104:278-286
Y Xu, Z Ning, H Zhang, G Ni, H Shao, B Peng, X Zhang et al. Anisotropic ultrahigh hole mobility in two-dimensional penta-SiC2 by strain-engineering: electronic structure and chemical bonding analysis. RSC Advances 2017;7:45705-45713
Y Arezki, X Zhang, C Mehdi-Souzani, N Anwer and H Nouira. Investigation of minimum zone assessment methods for aspheric shapes. 7th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, 2017, Seoul, Korea
X Zhang, X Zhang, H Yang and M Xu. Fast measurement of roll-to-roll imprinted LED thin films by digital holographic microscopy. ASPEN/ASPE Spring Topical Meeting 2017, Hong Kong
Y Wang, X Zhang and M Xu. Optical Design of Fiber Digital Holographic Interferometry System Based on Field-tracing. Proc SPIE 2017;10458:104581I
H Yuan, X Zhang and M Xu. An accurate surface topography restoration algorithm for white light interferometry. Proc SPIE 2017; 10458:104581O
J Pan, X Zhang and M Xu. Sub-aperture stitching of aspheric surfaces in precision in-situ measurement. Proc SPIE 2017; 10458:104581V
J Wang and X Zhang. Error Analysis of Spectral Phase Shifting Digital Holographic Microscopy. Proc 13th International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments 2017; 101
Y Arezki, C Mehdi-Souzani, X Zhang, N Anwer and H Nouira. Automated registration method using descrete curvature. EUSPEN's 17th International Conference and Exhibition, Hannover,2017
S Wan, X Zhang, H He and M Xu. Modelling of edge effect in sub-aperture tool influence functions of computer controlled optical surfacing. Applied Optics 2016;55(36):10223-10228
L Li, X Zhang, H Xiao and M Xu. Segmentation of non-stochastic surfaces based on non-subsampled contourlet transform and mathematical morphologies. Measurement 2016;79:137-146
X Zhang, X Zhang, X Xiao and M Xu. Speckle removal in phase reconstruction of digital holography for structured surfaces. Infrared and Laser Engineering 2016;45(7):0726002
X He, M Xu and X Zhang. Theoretical investigation of a broadband all-optical graphene-microfiber modulator. Journal of the Optica Society of America B 2016;33(12):2588-2595
X Zhang, X Zhang, H Xiao and M Xu. Accurate recontruction in measurement of miro-structures using digital holographic microscopy. Proc SPIE 2016;10023:1002300
J Wang, X Zhang, X Zhang and M Xu. Analysis of wavelength error in digital holographic microscopy based on spectral phase shifting. Proc SPIE 2016; 10155:101551B
S Wan, X He, X Zhang and M Xu. Effect of feed velocity change on amount of material removal. Proc SPIE 10154:1015401
X Xu, X Zhang and M Xu. Dynamic three-dimentional shape measurement for specular freeform surface with quaternary orthogonal grid fringes. Proc SPIE 10155:101553Y
H Zhang, M Zhou, Y Wang, X Zhang et al. Development of quantitative method for the characterization of hole quality during laser trepan drilling of high-temperature alloy. Applied Physics A 2016;122:74
X He, M Xu, X Zhang and H Zhang. A tutorial intruduction to graphene-microfibre waveguide and its applications. Frontiers of Optoelectronics 2016:1-9
X Zhang, H Xiao, H Zhang, X He and M Xu. Uncertainty estimation in form error evaluation of freeform surfaces for precision engineering. Proc SPIE 2016;9903:99031G
B Peng, H Zhang, H Shao, Y Xu, X Zhang and H Zhu. Low lattice thermal conductivity of stanene. Scientific Reports 2016;6:20225
B Peng, H Zhang, H Shao, Y Xu, X Zhang and H Zhu. Thermal conductivity of monolayer MoS2, MoSe2 and WS2:interplay o mass effects, interatomic bonding and anharmonicity. RSC Advances 2016;6:5767-5773
B Peng, H Zhang, H Shao, Y Xu, X Zhang and H Zhu. Towards intrinsic phonon transport in single layer MoS2. Annalen der Physik. 2016:1-8
X Zhang. Accurate Measurement of Micro/Nano Structures by Digital Holographic Microscopy. 5th Asia-Pacific Conference of Optical Manufacturing, 2016, Shanghai
L Li, X Zhang, H Zhang, X He and M Xu. Multiscale Analysis of Surface Morphologies by Curvelet and Contourlet Transforms. Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 2015;3:015003
L Lv, X Zhang and M Xu. Analysis of geometric qualities and functionalities of pupil-filters used for super-resolution imaging. Acta Photonica Sinica, 2015;44(10):1022001
X Yan, X Zhang and M Xu. A new full-aperture wavefront measuring method for conformal domes. International Conference on Optoelectronics and Microelectronics, Changchun, 2015
L Li, X Zhang, H Zhang, X He and M Xu. Feature extraction of non-stochastic surfaces using curvelets. Precision Engineering, 2015;39:212-219
X Zhang, H Xiao and M Xu. Separation of textures and features for micro-structures by the l0 norm fitting. 15th Int. Conf. Met. Props. Eng. Surf. Charlotte, USA, 2015
X Zhang, H Zhang, X He and M Xu. Fast evaluation of minimum zone form errors of NURBS surfaces. Procedia CIRP, 2015;27:23-28.
X He, X Zhang, H Zhang, M Xu. Graphene covered on microfiber exhibiting polarization and polarization-dependent saturable absorption. IEEE J. Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 2014;20(1):4500107
X He, D Wang, X Zhang, H Zhang, M Xu. High pulse energy, Q-switched fiber laser based on graphene. International Photonics and OptoElectronics Meetings, Wuhan, China; 06/2014
Y Xu, H Zhang, X Zhang, Y Chen et al. Transport properties of random composed of core-shell spheres. Appl. Phys. A. 2014;114(4):1223-1231
B Chen, X Zhang, H Zhang, X He and M Xu. Investigation of Error Separation for Three Dimensional Rotary Profile Measuring System. Measurement, 2014;47:627-632
X Zhang, H Zhang, X He and M Xu. Bias in parameter estimation of form errors. Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 2014;2(3):035006
J Zhao, H Zhang, X Zhang, D Li et al. Abnormal behaviors of Goos-Hänchen shift in hyperbolic metamaterials made of AZO materials. Photonic Research, 2013;1(4):160-163
X Zhang, H Zhang, X He and M Xu. Fast filtering of surface topography of micro-optics using non-local means. Proc SPIE, 2013; 8916:153
B Chen, X Zhang, H Zhang, X He and M Xu. Uncertainty evaluation for a three dimensional rotary measuring system by a Markov chain Monte Carlo method. Proc SPIE, 2013; 8916:150
H Zhang, Y Shen, Y Xu, H Zhu, M Lei, X Zhang and M Xu. Effective medium theory for two dimensional media composed of core-shell cylinders. Opt. Comm. 2013; 306: 9-16
X Zhang, M Xu, H Zhang, X He and X Jiang. Chebyshev fitting of complex surfaces for precision metrology. Measurement 2013;46 (9): 3720-2024
X Zhang, X Jiang, AB Forbes, HD Minh and PJ Scott. Evaluating the form errors of spheres, cylinders and cones using the primal–dual interior point method. Proc I Mech E B. 2013; 227(5):720-725
Y Chen, X Zhang, T Luo, X Liu and W Huang. Fabrication and characterization of areal roughness specimens for applications in scanning probe microscopy. Measurement Science and Technology, 2013;24(5):055402
S Yang, X Zhang and M Xu. Analysis and optimization of tooth shapes of roll stampers for optical micro-structured array imprinting. Proceedings of SPIE. 2012;8416:84161J
H Xu, X Zhang, M Xu and X Li. Study on the control of surface roughness in single point diamond turning. Proceedings of SPIE. 2012;8416:84161D
X Zhang, X Jiang and P J Scott. Minimum zone evaluation of the form errors of quadric surfaces. Precision Engineering, 2011; 35(2): 383-389
X Zhang, X Jiang and P J Scott. A reliable method of minimum zone evaluation of cylindricity and conicity. Precision Engineering, 2011; 35(3):484-489
X Zhang, X Jiang and P J Scott. A minimax fitting algorithm for ultra-precision aspheric surfaces. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2011;311(1):012031
X Jiang, X Zhang and P J Scott. Template matching of freeform surfaces based on orthogonal distance fitting for precision metrology. Measurement Science and Technology 2010; 21(4) 045101
X Zhang, X Jiang and P J Scott. Fitting data with quadric surfaces based on orthogonal distance regression. Measurement Systems and Process Improvement 2010, NPL, Teddington, UK
X Zhang, X Jiang, and P J Scott. A new free-form surface fitting method for precision coordinate metrology. Wear, 2009; 266(5-6):543-547
X Zhang, X Jiang and P J Scott. A fast point projection approach of NURBS surfaces. Algorithms for Approximation IV, Ambleside, UK, 2009
X Zhang and X Jiang. Numerical analyses of the boundary effect of radial basis functions in 3D surface reconstruction. Numerical Algorithms, 2008; 47(4): 327-339
X Zhang, X Jiang, and P J Scott. Orthogonal distance fitting of precision free-form surfaces based on l1 norm. In F Pavese, M Bär, A B Forbes et al (Eds) Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology & Testing VIII, World Scientific, 2008:385-390
张祥朝. 面向精密光学制造的在位偏折测量技术.2021年中国(长沙)激光技术及产业发展大会, 长沙,2021
张祥朝. 自由曲面光学元件的偏折测量技术.上海市激光学会2020年会, 上海,2020
X Zhang. High-precision deflectometric measurement of optical surface: principles and challenges, 2020 International Workshop on Precision Optics and Artificial Intelligence, Shanghai
X Zhang. Challenges in the in-situ deflectometric measurement of optical surfaces. SPIE/COS Photonics Asia, Beijing, 2020
张祥朝. 面向精密制造的光学曲面原位偏折测量技术.纳米精度测量学术研讨会, 上海,2019
X Zhang. Fast deflectometric measurement of freeform surfaces for ultra-precision optical manufacturing. 2019 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology, Beijing, China, 2019
X Zhang. In-situ sub-aperture measurement of freeform surfaces with SCOTS deflectometry.7th International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering, Phuket, Thailand, 2019
X Zhang. In-situ measurement of aspherics with sub-aperture deflectometry for precision optical manufacturing. Dimensional Optical Metrology and Inspection for Practical Applications VIII, SPIE Defense+ Commercial Sensing, Baltimore, USA, 2019
X Zhang. High precision measurement and reliable characterization of surface defects of large complex components.6th International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering, Shanghai, China, 2018
X Zhang. Three-dimensional super-resolution measurement with digital holographic microscopy. 5th International Congress on Microscopy & Spectroscopy, Oludeniz, Turkey, 2018
张祥朝. 微纳结构的数字全息测量技术. “中国光学智造2025”(上海)高端论坛, 上海,2018
张祥朝.复杂微结构元件的高分辨测量技术中国科协第321次青年科学家论坛, 北京, 2017
X Zhang. 大尺寸复杂构件表面缺陷的全区域测量与可靠表征.2017(深圳)现代光学制造工程与科学论坛国际研讨会, 深圳, 2017
X Zhang. Accurate measurement of micro-nano structures by digital holographic microscopy. 5th Asia-Pacific Conference of Optical Manufacturing, Shanghai, 2016
张祥朝. 超精密光学自由曲面面形误差评定算法的研究). 第十二届设计与制造前沿国际会议), 沈阳, 2016
X Zhang. Precision measurement of complex surfaces. Annual Forum of the Youth Committee of Shanghai Laser Society, Shanghai, 2013
张祥朝. Fast measurement of precision structured surfaces. 中国工程院第153场中国工程科技论坛“我国精密光学仪器产业化发展”,上海,2012
张祥朝. 面向功能的光学表面形貌评定方法. 中国科学院上海分院·华东师范大学青年创新发展论坛,上海,2012
张祥朝. 基于正交距离评定自由曲面的面型误差. 第一届自由曲面加工、检测与应用国际研讨会,上海,2011
张祥朝,牛振岐,叶俊强. 一种快速确定偏折测量系统中各部件几何位置的标定方法,ZL202010266084.9
张祥朝,牛振岐,朱熠帆,叶俊强,徐敏. 基于标志点的偏折测量系统一体化几何标定方法,ZL201911287998.7
张祥朝,牛振岐,王飞利,王伟,徐敏. 一种高频驻波振幅分布的高精度测量方法,ZL201910685221.X
张祥朝, 叶俊强,牛振岐,王伟,徐敏.一种用于相位偏折测量的透明元件前后表面相位分离方法,ZL201910594573.4
张祥朝, 牛振岐, 朱熠帆,王伟,徐敏.基于虚拟标志点的复杂曲面偏折测量自定位方法,ZL201910568780.2
张祥朝, 牛振岐, 朱熠帆,徐敏.基于光场分布的合成孔径相机标定方法,ZL201910436690.8
张祥朝, 牛振岐, 徐敏.基于光场编码的相机光瞳像差校正方法,ZL201910271140.5
张祥朝, 程宇, 徐敏. 基于剪切干涉的近场显微探测光束定心方法,ZL201910215732.5
王媛,张祥朝,徐敏. 基于光纤束的数字全息柔性测量的装置与方法,ZL201810191173.4
万嵩林;张祥朝;徐敏. 光学镜片小磨头光学加工中的边缘误差控制方法,ZL201711382152.2
张祥朝,徐雪炀,徐敏. 基于三值化三色交叉网格条纹的三维面形测量方法,ZL201610252473.X
张祥朝,徐敏. 一种基于轮廓非局部均值的滤波方法. ,ZL201310675839.0
2022年 日内瓦国际发明奖金奖
2021年 10th International Symposium on Precision Mechanical Measurement最佳论文奖
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2011年13th International Conference on Metrology and Properties of Engineering Surfaces 最佳论文奖
担任本科生课程:线性代数,光学检测技术, 应用光学,数学物理方法等
李乐恒 2022级 硕士生
戚丽丽 2021级工程博士生
郎威 2021级博士生
马心阳 2021级硕士生
张前刚 2021级专业硕士生
耿留远 2021级专业硕士生
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陈雨诺 2020级硕士生
吴磊 2020级专业硕士生
周丽红 2020级专业硕士生
叶 璐 2019级工程博士生
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朱 睿 2019级硕士生 去向:浙江大学读博
任玉蓉 2019级专业硕士生 去向:百度研发中心
袁鹤 2016级直博生 去向:大疆创新
牛振岐 2018级博士生 去向:上海光机所
叶俊强 2018级硕士生 去向:虹软科技
吴灿 2018级专业硕士生 去向:拼多多
李凯阳 2018级专业硕士生 去向:Bilibili
程 宇 2017级硕士生 去向:网易
丁 灿 2017级硕士生 去向:科磊半导体
朱熠帆 2017级专业硕士生 去向:上海纪委
万嵩林 2014级直博生 去向:中科院上海光机所
徐雪炀 2014级直博生 去向:虹软科技
张晓磊 2013级直博生 去向:德国博世
王洁 2014级硕士生 去向:浪潮集团
杨怀良 2014级硕士生 去向:上海华为
吕罗兰 2013级硕士生 去向:海康威视
陈 波 2012级硕士生 去向:德国斯图加特大学攻读博士学位
李林福 2012级博士生 去向:贵州民族大学任教