


邮箱:fyy at fudan.edu.cn



  • 费义艳,副研究员,入选上海浦江人才。课题组的主要研究方向是生物光子学。包括生物芯片的发展,斜入射光反射差(OI-RD)技术的研发,以及采用这些技术在药物筛选和病毒检测等领域的应用研究。课题组分别于2018年和2019年合作发表《Nature》文章两篇,其中一篇入选年度10大论文。课题组毕业生朱成钢博士获“王大珩光学奖”。

  • 欢迎各位有兴趣的同学加入本课题组攻读硕士、博士学位!


  • 1996-2000, 北京师范大学物理系, 学士学位

  • 2000-2006, 中科院物理所,博士学位

  • 2004-2006, 美国加州大学戴维斯分校物理系,访问学者


  • 2006-2012, 美国加州大学戴维斯分校物理系, 博士后

  • 2012-至今,复旦大学信息学院光科系



  • 基于椭偏发展无标记高通量生物互作检测仪器

  • 基于表面等离激元和相位检测发展高灵敏高通量生物互作检测仪器

  • 基于小分子微阵列进行高通量药物筛选

  • 基于生物芯片进行组学研究


  • 2020-2023 上海市面上项目

  • 2019-2020 横向课题

  • 2018-2019 横向课题

  • 2016-2018 自然科学基金青年项目

  • 2015 教育部留学归国人员科研基金

  • 2013-2015  上海市浦江人才计划


  1. Z.Y. Li#, C. Wang#, Z.Y. Wang#, C. G. Zhu#, J. Li, T. Sha, L.X. Ma, C. Gao, Y. Yang, Y.M. Sun, J. Wang, X.L. Sun, C.Q. Lu, M. Difiglia, Y.N. Mei, C. Ding, S. Q. Luo, Y. J. Dang, Y. Ding*, Y. Y. Fei*, B.X. Lu*, Allele-selective Lowering of Mutant HTT Protein by HTT-LC3 Linker Compounds, Nature, 575, 203-209, (2019).

  2. B.L. Ge, S. Larson, H. T. Tu, Y. P. Zhao, Y. Y. Fei*, Generalized ellipsometry characterization of Ag nanorod arrays prepared by oblique angle deposition, Nanotechnology, 31, 075075, (2019).

  3. H. P. Liu, H. P. Zhang, X. Y. Wu, D. P. Ma, J. H. Wu, L, Wang, Y. Jiang, Y. Y. Fei, C. G. Zhu, R. Tan, P. Jungblut, G. Pei, A. Dorhoi, Q. L. Yan, F. Zhang, R. J. Zheng, S. Y. Liu, H. J. Liang, Z. H. Liu, H. Yang, J. X. Chen, P. Wang, T. Q. Tang, W. X. Peng, Z. S. Hu, Z. Xu, X. C. Huang, J. Wang, H. H. Li, Y. L. Zhou, F. Liu, D. P. Yan, S. H. Kaufmann, C. Chen, Z. Y. Mao*, B. X. Ge*, Nuclear cGAS suppresses DNA repair and promotes tumorigenesis, Nature, 563, 131-136, (2018).

  4. Z. H. Li, C. G. Zhu, Z. H. Guo, B. W. Wang, X. Wu*, Y. Y. Fei*, Highly sensitive label-free detection of small molecules with an optofluidic microbubble resonator, Micromachines, 9, 274, (2018).

  5. J. W. Hu, R. Chen, C. G. Zhu, B. L. Ge, X. D. Zhu, L. Mi, J. Ma, C. Q. Han, H. Chen*, Y. Y. Fei*, Label-free microarray-based binding affinity constant measurement with modified fluidic arrangement, BioChip. J. 12, 11, (2018).

  6. C. G. Zhu, G. L. Ge, R. Chen, X. D. Zhu, L. Mi, J. Ma, X. Wang, F.Y. Zheng, Y. Y. Fei*, Fast focal point correction in prism-coupled total internal reflection scanning imager using an electronically tunable lens, Sensors, 18, 524, (2018).

  7. R. Chen, C. G. Zhu, G. L. Ge, X. D. Zhu, Y. S. Sun, L. Mi, J. Ma, X. Wang, Y. Y. Fei*, Detecting signals with direct Fast Fourier Transform for microarray data collection, IEEE Photonic. Tech. L. 29, 2211 (2017).

  8. J. J. Wang, C. G. Zhu, D. Song, R. Q. Xia, W. Bo. Yu, Y. J. Dang. Y. Y. Fei, L.Yu, J. X. Wu, Epigallocatechin-3-gallate enhances ER stress-induced cancer cell apoptosis by directly targeting PARP16 activity, Cell Death Discovery 3, 17034 (2017).

  9. C. G. Zhu, Y. Y. Fei*, X. D. Zhu, High-throughput screening based on label-free detection of small molecule microarray, Proc. SPIE 10081, 100810S (February 23, 2017); doi:10.1117/12.2246462.

  10. C. G. Zhu, X. D. Zhu, J. P. Landry, Z. M. Cui, Q. F. Li, Y. J. Dang, L Mi, F. Y, Zheng and Y. Y. Fei*, Developing an efficient and general      strategy for immobilization of small molecules onto microarrays using isocyanate chemistry, Sensor, 16,378,(2016).

  11. C. G. Zhu, R. Chen, Y. Z. Z. Zhu, X. Wang, X. D. Zhu, L. Mi, F. Y. Zheng, Y. Y. Fei*, Calibration of oblique-incidence reflectivity difference (OI-RD) for label-free detection of molecular layer, Appl. Opt. 55, 9459 (2016).

  12. X. X. Guo, Y. H. Deng, C. G. Zhu, J. L. Cai, X. D. Zhu, J. P. Landry, F. Y. Zheng, X. J. Cheng, Y. Y. Fei*, Characterization of protein expression levels with label-free detected reverse phase protein arrays, Anal. Biochem. 509, 67 (2016).

  13. Y. Y. Fei*, Y. S. Sun, Y. H. Li, H. Yu, K. Lam, J. P. Landry, Z. Luo, N. Baumgarth, X. Chen and X. D. Zhu,  Characterization of receptor binding profiles of influenza A viruses using a label-free glycan microarray assay platform, Biomolecules, 5, 1840, (2015).

  14. Y. Y. Fei*, J. P. Lanry, Y. H. Li, H. Yu, K. Lam, S. S. Huang, H. A. Chokhawala, X. Chen and X. D. Zhu, An optics-based variable-temperature assay system for characterizing thermodynamics of biomolecular reactions on solid support, Rev. Sci. Instrum.  84, 114102, (2013).


  • 2020年,博士毕业生朱成钢获“王大珩光学奖”

  • 2019年发表的Nature文章入选年度十大论文、

  • 2019年,博士毕业生朱成钢获“复旦大学优秀毕业生”


  • 本科生必修课《光学》

  • 本科生选修课《偏振光学》


在读研究生:张航 张程睿


  • 2020年 葛碧临 硕士

  • 2019年 朱成钢  博士  上海微电子装备(集团)股份有限公司

  • 2018年 陈儒 硕士  复旦大学